影视乐采样素材 Montage by Splice Sounds Shadow Dreamer A Hero’s Journey 帧资源下载-背景音效

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    影视乐采样素材 Montage by Splice Sounds Shadow Dreamer A Hero’s Journey,每一个经典的奇幻冒险故事都围绕着一个任务、一个任务或一段旅程展开。对手在这一过程中遇到了冲突和挑战,这些冲突和挑战提供了疑问和需要克服的障碍,最终导致了一个关键时刻,在这个时刻,我们可以发现英雄是由什么组成的。无论是屠龙、逃离巨魔,还是施法,电影和电视中的这些时刻都让我们像镜子里的冰一样粘在屏幕上,反映出我们自己是如何应对生活中的挑战的。
    作为一个人的独唱表演,DPAK呈现了一段引人入胜的现场循环之旅,从电子/放克流行/舞蹈节拍到电影声景再到力量圣歌。每一场现场表演都是一场独特的表演,以即兴创作为特色,专为观众的能量和氛围而策划。他还与印度等天才球员一起踢球。Arie,Rihanna等。目前,他与迪士尼合作制作热门动画系列《米拉,皇家侦探》,还与Brie Larson和Donald Sutherland等明星一起为故事片创作音乐,以及福克斯和丰田等商业广告。

    Every classic fantasy adventure story revolves around a mission, a quest, or a journey. The antagonist meets conflict and challenges along the way that provide doubt and hurdles to overcome, ultimately leading to a moment of truth where we find out what the hero is made of. Whether slaying dragons, escaping trolls, or casting spells these moments in film and TV have us glued to the screen like bing transited in a mirror reflecting how we ourselves approach challenges in our lives.

    Shadow Dreamer: A Hero’s Journey is the perfect soundtrack to a fantasy adventure written and performed at Splice’s LA studios by Orchestrator/Arranger/Singer/Violinist DPAK. Riveting violin melodies, mesmerizing live drum rhythms, delicate piano lines, and moving vocal performances make up this treasure trove of samples. The emotional tone of the pack ranges from solemn and melancholy to upbeat and triumphant in order to fit the mood of any scene along the journey. There are tons of song starters and melodic stacks all expertly recorded and arranged that are ready made to drop into your social media content, or starting inspiration for a film composer’s next score. Take a listen, transport yourself to far away mystical lands, and dream up a musical wonderland.

    As a one-man solo act, DPAK presents a captivating live-looping journey that ranges from electronic / funk-pop / dance beats to cinematic soundscapes to power anthems. Each live performance is a unique offering featuring improvisational creations in the moment curated specifically to the energy and vibe of the crowd. He has also played with great talents such as India.Arie, Rihanna, et al. Currently working with Disney on the hit animated series “Mira, Royal Detective”, he has also created music for feature films with stars such as Brie Larson and Donald Sutherland as well as commercial spots including FOX and Toyota to name a few.
    526 Samples

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