怀旧科幻影视采样素材 5Pin Media Sci-Fi Chronicles [WAV] 下载-背景音乐

  • 资源编号M0368丨2.24G丨WAV

    怀旧科幻影视采样素材 5Pin Media Sci-Fi Chronicles [WAV] 5位资深媒体和广受赞誉的音响设计师/工程师亚当·皮特鲁兹科(Adam Pietruszko)再次携手合作,为您带来大规模的非凡科幻编年史。
    从80年代最伟大的科幻电影之一到最近的续集,再加上经典科幻动画好莱坞翻拍的鬼魂,这部强大的电影集将吸引Synthwave、Synth pop、Electronica、Ambient、电影配乐和纪录片的制作人。
    SFC以2.4 GB的速度进行远程传输,共有728个环路和180个单次发射,可采用酸化WAV和Apple格式,速度分为80bpm和105bpm。请注意,音乐环有湿版和干版两种,以增加灵活性–有关更多详细信息,请参阅技术规格。电影声音合成波样本
    Adam Pietuszko来自华沙,在华沙音频工程学院教授合成和声音设计。在波兰-日本信息技术学院,他的教学内容包括声音合成、声学、电声学、数字音频理论和音乐制作。自2009年以来,他一直是波兰声音工程师协会的成员。


    5Pin Media and acclaimed sound designer/engineer Adam Pietruszko team up again to bring you the cosmically phenomenal Sci-Fi Chronicles.

    Steeped in a range of influences from one of the greatest 80s Sci-Fi movies, to it’s recent sequel, combined with the classic Sci-Fi anime Hollywood remake involving ghosts, this powerful cinematic collection will appeal to producers of Synthwave, Synth-pop, Electronica, Ambient, Cinematic Scores and Documentaries alike.

    Sci-Fi Chronicles comes in three main parts – Music, Effects (FX) and Drums as demonstrated in the associated audio demos available for preview above. You will be pleased to learn that you can purchase individual parts in addition to the complete collection.

    SFC teleports in at 2.4 GB with a total 728 loops and 180 one-shots available in both Acidized WAV and Apple formats split between 80bpm and 105bpm tempos. Note that the music loops are available in both wet and dry versions for added flexibility – for more detail see the Tech Specs. Cinematic Sounds Synthwave Samples

    Adam Pietuszko hails from Warsaw where he teaches synthesis and sound design at the Academy of Audio Engineering. At the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology his teaching covers sound synthesis, acoustics, electroacoustics, digital audio theory and music production. He has been a member of The Association of Sound Engineers in Poland since 2009.

    Adam’s journey in electronic music began in 2003 when he started spinning vinyl in Warsaw clubs, later turning to synthesizers and production. He is the creator of numerous award winning sample libraries and synthesizer sound banks focusing on the field of cinematic effects, picture scoring and electronic music.

    Adam combines analog and digital synthesizer techniques with percussion and field recordings, as well as physical modelling and experimental audio creation. Adam’s works also include tutorial videos on synthesizer programming and sound design.

领域帧资源 » 怀旧科幻影视采样素材 5Pin Media Sci-Fi Chronicles [WAV] 下载-背景音乐


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